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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - Enfield Council, please do not grant these people a licence to be cruel to animals. I did'nt know any better at the time and brought a puppy from here, paying £700. Consequently the puppy turned out to be in a very ill state, suffering from a bad case of coccidia. If i were not on top of the puppy's health and questioning myself why the poor puppy had explosive diarrehea i could have easily lost him. When purchased the puppy was smelly, bony and undernourished. After many trials and errors, and many visits to my vet, who was able to help him, my puppy is now doing really well, is on a diet of Lily's kitchen and he has luckily tunred into the most adorable puppy anyone would want to own. These people do not have any affection for animals what so ever. I forgot to add at the beginning, whilst i was purchasing my puppy at the counter and waiting for the paper work, 4 people walked in, each holding a cat/dog carrier. each had around 4-5 puppies in each and they just opened their crates and just threw the puppies in there like they were pieces of meat. i just could'nt wait to get out of there. i now feel i saved my puppies life as i would feel i would have been more cruel to have left him in the hands of these animal butchers.

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